Wednesday, September 12, 2012


  I've never seen so many tomatoes in my life!!
  Last time I had an adventure with Fred (my 10lb zucchini), and now I've got tomatoes coming outta my ears (no, not literally). My brother and sister-in-law have the most amazing garden with an overabundance of produce that I'm lucky enough to be able to partake in (Thanks guys, you're the best!).
  The last batch of tomatoes and jalapenos that I got from them was the source of the best salsa ever! (check out that recipe here: BEST SALSA EVER) But I had something a little different in mind for this next batch I received.
  When I use to work at the Olive Garden (yes, I actually did, and not just in my dreams) I use to love the Bruschetta. While most of the recipes I end up making have a Mexican feel to them, I thought I might try my hand at Italian. It seems easy enough!
First up is the Bruschetta! I love the taste of Balsamic vinegar with tomatoes, so I make mine with a little twist.

Balsamic Bruschetta:

8 roma tomatoes, diced
1/3 cup chopped fresh basil
2 cloves of garlic, minced (or grated)
1 Tbs. Balsamic vinegar
1 tsp olive oil
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper


  I'm not normally big on carbs, but we bought a loaf of french bread last night that I cut into slices, covered with a little bit of olive oil, garlic powder and mozzarella and threw under the broiler for just a couple of minutes. My oven and I still working on becoming good friends, because the first batch that I put in turned into a tray of the world's blackest doorstops! I have never used the broil options before and didn't realize that "high" meant "holy crap this is really high". The next batch went in on "low" for about 5 minutes and came out a wonderful golden brown. Topped off with the Bruschetta and it was tasty! (Sorry for the lack of pictures of the final product. They got eaten up so fast I didn't have time to grab the camera!)
  I still have a whole bag full of tomatoes and trying to figure out what to do with the rest of them. Any suggestions?? You know me, I'm always up to learn a new recipe! Leave a comment below here of on my new Facebook Fan Page that I created! (check out the Fan Page HERE)!
  And tonight for dinner is another round of Tex-Mex Turkey (which you can find HERE).

I hope you're all having a great day!! See ya tomorrow!!

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