Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Husband Feels Loved!

  I cannot express enough how important it is to tell your husband how amazing he is every single day! And not in a "blowing smoke up his skirt" kinda way, but taking 1 minute from everyday and tell him 1 positive thing about himself. It makes all the difference in the world! You married this man for a reason (well hopefully for more than one) and it's nice to remind him, and you, what they are. 
  Ryan is one of the smartest, most caring, the most loving and most generous people that I have ever had the privilege of even knowing, and I am lucky enough to be married to him. Why wouldn't I want him to know how I feel about him or what I think about him. Now, let's not get too carried away, because as we all know, Ryan is still human. Sure he makes mistakes and he doesn't clean off the counter or hang up the clothes the way that I would. But he tries. And that is all that really matters. 
  Tonight Ryan and I got home from work and after a quick meal of steak and veggies, we both hopped on our computers! We have our office set up in such a way that we have one big table and our computers on opposite sides so we are facing each other. He's podcasting with some of his friends tonight while I'm writing this and I can't help but smile when I look at his face. (I know, this is horribly cheesy, and it's only going to get worse. Don't tell me I didn't warn you.) I first fell in love with Ryan by listening to his voice. As some of you may know, our relationship started out long distance, myself in Utah and Ryan in New York. And it all started when I heard his voice on this podcast that I used to listen to. I learned so much about him from listening to their conversations. Before I had ever even talked to him I knew that he was super passionate about music, Highlander, and zombies! Tonight reminds me of that. I use to wonder what he looked like, and now I get to sit across from him and catch his eye every once in a while and we share a smile.  (I warned you.)
  I love him, and I want him to know that and to feel that everyday. He is the most important thing in the world to me. Why wouldn't I want him to know that I feel that way? And it reminds me to keep perspective on what's really important. So I encourage you all to tell those you love that you love them. EVERYDAY! Taking a sincere moment everyday to express gratitude, love, forgiveness and understanding. It does a body good! It's so good to express emotions! It seems simple, I know, but it's not always easy. With our busy schedules it's so easy to push those things aside. We make excuses all the time, and we take those people in our life for granted. And that's just not fair to them or you. 
  I just realized that this might not be making sense to any of you. I just sorta start writing (usually about one thing) and it always ends up somewhere totally different. Well, all aboard my train of thought! You ready for the caboose? Because to end this, I am going to jump to an entirely different track! (Anyone following this at all!!)
  In closing, I'd like to thank my mom (I know, TOTALLY RANDOM), she is super amazing and thoughtful. And while sometimes she can be a little crazy (calm down mom, we're all a little crazy, it's okay. I'm pretty sure we all get it from Grandma) I love her so much! Today I received a text from her that just said, "a present for wonder woman" with this picture: 

  EXACTLY what I had been wanting! How thoughtful and sweet was that, and it completely made my day!! And even after I texted her back to say thank you, I still took the time later to call her and thank her again. It's something that takes 3 minutes of my time and makes everyone involved feel better! Again, why wouldn't I! 
  With that, I think I am going to call it a night (or at least the end of this article), for my bed and Mary Poppins (I've been really wanting to watch that movie lately) are calling my name. I love you all and am so thankful for all of the support that you've shown me in my new journey. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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