Monday, September 3, 2012


  When I tell people that I wake up early to exercise, shower, and have breakfast ready and lunch packed up for my husband everyday (sometimes before he's even rolled out of bed), you'd think that I was covered from head to toe in slime by the way they look at me.
 What's so wrong with wanting to take care of my husband. Caring for your husband and home doesn't mean I'm not equal, or less of an individual. I don't do it because he asks me to, although you definitely won't hear him complain! And, again, isn't that a good thing? What kind of a wife would I be if my husband came home from work and complained about how I had spent my day or how I looked? (Then again, what kind of a husband would that make him!) Now, I have been blessed with one of the most patient men on the face of the Earth, so it would take a lot for him to complain about anything, so it would pretty bad if it got to that point.

  Yes, I realize that there has been a Women's Movement so that I don't have to live a “subservient lifestyle”, but I just don't see it as that. And maybe it is because my husband doesn't ask it of me that makes me want to do it more. Heaven knows that if he was telling me what to do I would want to do the exact opposite. Maybe it has to do with simpler times and respect for one another. Or maybe it's just about the dresses. (Oh, who am I kidding! It's totally about the dresses!)
One thing I know about me is that I am a true believer in “home”. It's something I was always looking for and something that I have finally found with Ryan. He is the place where I feel the safest and most comfortable. Any woman would be lucky to have such a place to look after, tend to and love. And I am truly, truly blessed. And in the same regard, I already find myself taking that security for granted. Like most women, there is a lot that I do in the day. I walk through the door and complain about my work day, or the amount of dishes that two people are able to produce from one meal, or that I just don't have time to relax. Then promptly after complaining, I slip into sweats and a t-shirt (my way of announcing to the world that I am done for the day and that I am in for the night). Now I am not here to criticize how you run your house, or the way that you interact with your significant other. To each her own! But I am looking for a change in my home. Just as much as there were women in the 1950's who didn't want to stay at home and cook and clean all day, I can only imagine that there were just as many who were completely fine with that life and wouldn't have had it any other way. I like to think I would have been in the second group.

  The only thing that I know for sure is that with this blog there will not be any deadlines. I don't look at something like caring more for my home, my husband, or myself as something that should ever end. My only goal is to be a little bit better today than I was yesterday, and maybe learn a new recipe or time-management trick in the meantime. And maybe by sharing my day-to-day findings you'll learn something too, or just laugh at my silly attempts at becoming what I think a true Wonder Woman is! Join me on my journey as I tackle baking, take on sewing, manage time, tame laundry and learn to unconditionally love my husband (even when he leaves his socks all over the house)!


  1. I am so excited to follow your blog! I think of you as one of the strongest women I know and I love the attitude that caring for hearth and home can make a strong woman stronger! Keep it up! Love ya!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. lol I commented after I read the first paragraph not realizing that there was more. My bad. :) Loved the post. I love being a housewife. I think it's the best job ever! Well being a mommy is tied for first too.:)

  4. Go get'um Ashley... this is great
