Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It was bound to happen

  I missed posting anything yesterday and today I woke up with some nasty stomach flu that's been going around. I'm trying a couple of home remedies for detoxing, which I will be sure to write about as soon as I'm feeling up to it. But mostly just relaxing as much as I can between trips to the bathroom. (Yeah, I know, TMI!)
  Being sick is no fun at all. If I'm going to be quarantined in my house all day, trust me, I'd much rather be cleaning, than being stuck in bed (or sleeping on the bathroom floor). Blah! That's enough for now. Just wanted you to let you know what's going on. Let's just hope I get over this soon! Any home remedies that any of you might have to flush out this bug would be appreciated! Otherwise I hope you all have a great day. As for me, I'm going back to bed.

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