Saturday, September 8, 2012

Aw! You thought I forgot about you!

  Well that could not be further from the truth!
  I have been thinking about you guys all day, but this is the first chance I've had to sit down in front of my computer. (Which I would say is the sign of a very good day. Good and productive!) Trust me, I've got a week's worth of blogs just waiting to be written and I promise that first thing tomorrow morning I will get cracking on them. But for now, my bed, the recently made one with freshly cleaned sheets, is calling my name. ("Ashley . . . Ashley . . . Where are you?!?) I didn't want to go without an article today, but I now must answer the call of my bed. ("Yes Bed? I'm right here. I will be there very soon.")
  As for the rest of you, I hope that you too have had a wonderful day and sleep well. I hope that you are looking forward to hearing about my weekend as much as I am looking forward to sharing it with you!


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