Monday, January 7, 2013

National Tempura Day!

 All right, I know I was a day early celebrating since we had tempura in our sushi last night, but maybe that just means that for once I'm ahead of the game!

 While I had the rice going in the rice cooker, I prepped all of the ingredients we would fill the sushi rolls with. Last night was a cheaper sushi night, as we didn't use fish in our rolls. I bought about a pound of shrimp and dredged them in tempura batter before frying them in some oil. The other ingredients were pretty basic; cream cheese, cucumber, jalapeno, green onion, avocado, cilantro and strawberries. (And of course the Nori wraps and rice). I set them all up on a tray for a convenient work station.
 I would try and explain the "rolling" process to those that have never done it, but I probably wouldn't do a very good job. So instead you can watch this informative little video:

 It takes a few tries to get it down, but once you've got it it's like riding a bike. (A very delicious bike).
We don't do sushi nights as often as we'd probably like. It usually leaves the kitchen in a state of disaster, but it's always worth it!

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