What better day than my birthday to start the ball rolling on my blog again. New beginnings and whatnot.
Today I turned 30! I would like to think that exclamation point was out of pure excitement, but it's really out of shock! 30 always seemed like the age where you were suppose to have everything figured out (and I know you older people will laugh at that now that you too know better). While I feel like I'm well on my way to that--I still feel like it's still so far away.
29 was such a good year for me--I can see why so many women choose to stay there. At 29 I had just gotten married, bought a new car and now a new house. (Whew!) I would not change one thing about my life but, if given the chance, there is a lot I feel I would have liked to have done differently. But then I wouldn't be who I am and where I am right now, which is married to the love of my life and so happy and grateful for everything I have.
We have also started trying to have a baby, and most of you know our struggles with that, but we are still very hopeful. I know we'll get our baby, when the time is right, and it's meant to happen. And when it does happen, my life will be all the more perfect! Maybe 30 will be the year!
I really don't think 30 is going to be that bad at all, I just don't feel that old. I like to think that I'm still 25, but when I think about where I was at 25--I'm pretty excited to be 30!
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