In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week, I would like to share my story.
Today is April 23rd, 2013, but that is not where this story begins. My symptoms, like most people with my condition, started gradually and therefore usually mistaken for other medical problems. And because they happen so gradually, you start to tell yourself that these things are normal and find your own ways to deal with them. I would tell myself that my dry scalp was from the season changing or the type of shampoo I was using. I would tell myself that the stray course dark hairs growing on my chin were just from my hairy family genes. I told myself that the reason my eyes were drying out so fast was from sleeping in my contacts too often, even though they are suppose to be extended wear lenses. I told myself that my inability to lose my extra abdominal weight was due to lack of discipline, even though I eat fairly healthy and exercise 3 times a week. My headaches, my troubles sleeping and most importantly my inability to conceive a child after a year of trying; I had excuses for all of them. But it wasn't until my fear of never having a child of my own got so big that I finally went to see a fertility specialist, and I was diagnosed with PCOS, that everything started making sense.
I feel like I should have been more shocked after hearing the diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or relieved, or scared, but what I really felt was . . . nothing. It's like there was this calm around me and I just knew, and everything became super clear. It's as if everything that I had just come to accept as normal, finally made sense. After leaving the doctor's office that day, with prescriptions in hand, I thought that things just had to get better from there. Boy was I ever wrong! That was only the tip of the iceberg! Since then I've been poked and prodded every which way possible. I've had more blood drawn and tested than I ever have before in my life combined. I'm on a medication that is suppose to be making me feel better, but the side effects of diarrhea, headaches, extreme exhaustion, nausea, muscle pain, bloating and gas (which puts my husband's to shame) are getting almost worse the the side effects from the PCOS. I say almost because, while it is horribly unbearable and I feel completely useless at times, I know that it's working. And I know that there is hope for me and my husband to have the baby that we are fighting like hell for.
My goal is not to change the direction of this blog, but to inform and have awareness for these things. This is very much a real thing and something that I no longer have to make excuses for. While it is not always as easy to deal with as I may make it out to seem, I am doing the best that I can. I am taking some much needed time for me and taking care of myself. I do not intend to distract this blog from it's originally intention, but I will occasionally be making updates about my progress, and am here to answer any questions if there happen to be any. I am not about to go all "gung-ho" advocate about this disease, but I think talking about it and letting others know that they are not alone in their struggles is a good thing.
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