A little while ago I was killing sometime (okay, days) on Pinterest and stumbled on one of my favorite bloggers participating in a new program. Almost everyone on Pinterest is familiar with the name Michael Wurm Jr., and if not then you're silly and you should check him out HERE. (and while you're there checking him out, you can follow my Pinterest page too!)Anyway, I saw that he was joining up with a company called Lost Crates. Basically they go to awesome people and those awesome people recommend awesome things and then we, as equally awesome people can buy them. Also for a little while they had awesome people sponsored crates. You could just buy one, or you could subscribe and get one every month for a year, or get them quarterly and get 4 a year. The crates ranged in price, and everything in the crate equaled the same price. (i.e. you bought a $25 crate, there would be $25 worth of stuff in it.)
So, I signed up for the quarterly subscription, and I'm expected to get my first crate this month! I'm not sure what will be in it or when exactly it will even arrive, but who doesn't love a surprise! The only downfall currently is that I just received an email the other day that they are actually putting a hold on all of the subscriptions for now while they are shuffling around some stuff. But I will still get my crate in October and the rest of the money will be refunded to me! And I will definitely be setting it back up once I'm able to.
I'm looking forward to finding out what's inside the crate and sharing it all with you!
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